Class 10 UP board Economics Chapter 1 Development ,What is development?
-What we study in this Chapter.
-what is Development?
-why it’s important?
What is development?
Chapter – 1
- Development is a vast concept including economic development, good governance, reducing poverty, etc.
• Principles of Goal of Development
- Different people have different development goals.
- Ex:
Landless Labour► goal ← own land
rich pleasant► goal → get good price of crop
big business man▸ goal → opportunity to explore their business
(AI) क्या है? कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता , Ai kya hai (Artificial Intelligence kya hai)
- Development goal conflict from one person to another person.
- Ex: Big business man developed a dam to produce electricity & earn profit but lots of people migrate from one place to another place.
- People have mixed development goals:
• Materialistic goal
► Income
► Money
• Non Materialistic goal
► Respect
► Education
Comparison between countries on the basis of Income
- Average Income (Per capita Income)
- Average Income
= Total Income of Country
= Total Population
- Use Average income data by W.B (IBRD) to classify countries i.e. Development, Under Developed, Developing
=> 2017 Data
-> 12056 Dollar per annum ->Developed
-> 955 Dollar per annum-> Under Developing
-> 1105 Dollar per annum -> Developing (India)
Parameters used by WB to comparison between countries
-> Average Income or Per capitaIncome
= Total income of a country
Total population of a Country
= Income of all residents
Total No. of inhabitant
Indian State:
-> high Income ↑ -> high Income ↑
-> Literacy rate ↑ -> Literacy rate ↑
-> Infant Mortality rate ↓ -> Infant Mortality rate ↓
-> Net Attendance ratio ↑ -> Net Attendance ratio ↑
Non Materialistic:
Life expectation
Pollution Free environment
Expected duration of life.
National Development :-
Country nation Developement depend on citizen well being
WB – Income as a Parameters citizens well being to classify countries
HDR:- human development report
HDI:- human development index
National Developed:-
->Country national Developed depend on citizens
-> leaving standard public facility like health, sanitation,food security
->this are provided by government
WB(world bank):- Income as a Parameters to classify
UNDP(united development program):-
Human Human
Development Development
Reports Index
-Per capita Income
Indian State (PCI) (IMR) (Literacy)
Haryana. 162000 33% 80%
Kerala. 140000. 10% 94%
Bihar. 38000. 45%. 57%
Body mass Index(BMI):-
BMI is a value declared from the mass and height of a person universal S.I. unit of BMI is kg/mg²
- ideal weight of 14 years boy body mass Index=18.5 to 24.9
- ideal weight of 14 years girl body mass Index=18.5 to 24.9
- BMI. Weight
1-Below 18.5 – under weight
2-18.5 to 24.9 – normal
3- About 24.9 – over weight
1. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): It indicates the number of children that die before one year of age per 1,000 live births in a particular year.
2. Net Attendance Ratio (NAR): It is the total number of children of age group 6 to 14 attending school as a percentage of the total number of children in the same age group.
3. Literacy Rate: The literacy rate for those above 7 years is the percentage of people aged 7 and above who can read, write, and understand the local language.
4. Per Capita Income (PCI) or Average Income: It is the average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country) in a specified year. It is calculated by dividing the total income of the country by the total population of the country.
PCI = total Income of Country
Total Population of Country
5. Nation Income:
The income of the country of all residents of the country this gives us the total income of the country called the Nation Income
Sustainable Development
:- Brunt gland commission 1987 -first time used that word “sustainable” Development
:- sustainable development should take place without damaging the environment. :-Developed should not compromised with the need of future generation
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